
Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Oncology Humor

A patient came into my clinic today and was singing the theme song to Star Wars and was clearly referring to an inside joke of which I had no idea what he was talking about.  After a little back and forth, we were able to pull up this video.

It appears somebody took some artistic liberty utilizing an informational video from Genentech, set it to the Star Wars tune and then dubbed in both myself and Michael Keating at the very end.

I have not laughed so hard in quite a while.  To whomever did this, I applaud your creativity.  To understand the joke you need to watch until the very end.


  1. I showed this to my Hem/Onc Dr Alencar in fl. He loved it. I miss your blogs Doc. Where have you been?

  2. Hi Dr. Sharman
    I really enjoyed this video, seeing how ABT199 attaches to BCL2. The end was a big kick !! Too funny. I start the clinical trial at UCSD this next week with Gazyva+ABT199. I'm excited to get started and intend to show this video to the nurses when I'm getting infused.
    Thank you for your fabulous blog, I could never begin to tell you how much I've learned from you.

  3. Awesome video and I loved the ending! Thanks for sharing.

    1. Enjoyed the video. May the force continue with all of us!!!! Sid and Mary Ellen Gonzalez

  4. Thanks for posting this. May the Farce be with you!!! Will look for your light sword during my next appointment. My white count has already gone down.


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